Monday, March 24, 2014

Roskin Ch. 8

I feel bad for the people of India, as they are under complete control of their government. I noticed in the book that it says that the people of India are constantly getting their resources stolen from them by their own government. They have done this so much that they have developed the sociological term called "learned helplessness" which means since they can't find a way to stop what's happening they just accept it as absolute. Not only this but In the Article attached to this shows that Russia is now taking a stab at this chance. Since the government of India is corrupt and is only taking resources, all Russia would really have to do is bribe the government to allow them to take what they want from their people without any resistance. I can only hope the people of India will stand up for themselves as previous countries did like Libya did.

Link: Moscow's deal with India

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Roskin Ch. 7

When reading about how China fared economically roughly seven years ago, I find it interesting that they are still dealing with the same issues, as it seems to stay be in a stasis point. China is still bailing out its banks as they continue to repeat this process. If anything the government will eventually feel this sting if they continue to let the banks to take so many risks on all of the loans they keep giving out. I also understand that if they do stand in however, it would upset the dominant party in their legislature as they would feel the government is overstepping its boundaries. I personally however feel that they should regulate what the banks are doing a little bit so that the banks can come up with different ways to give loans out to its people in the long run. I feel that they should invest in export goods as this is the where their get their main source of income, and if they tried to expand this and be more proficient at it. It would help rebalance their economy so much more.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Roskin Ch. 6

     I can't help but to remember a sociological term called social control when reading about this chapter on Russia. Russia has people that use the system to their advantage, and they can get away with it easily so long as they are able to do it without any widely known press to make it widely known. In the article, it shows this kind of behavior as they treat the Ukraine people are nothing more than an obstacle. They are under control of the Russian army, thought Russia itself claims they have no one there when in reality the soldiers that are there are wearing Russian army attire, just without the patches. I find it sad and rather blunt that they are doing this. It shows that they do not really care what other nations think of them, so long as they are able to continue to cultivate what they want  in their country along with the neighboring ones surrounding them.