Sunday, February 9, 2014

Roskin Ch. 4

I find it interesting that the people of Germany find relief in a cartoon picture of a Swabian woman. I feel that they are still in the mindset of a successful communist economy. The reason I say this is because in the text by Roskin, Germany has tried to make an economic conglomerate with the east and west parts of it before to keep the east side of Germany afloat. Sadly it is apparent now in the link provided that this plan is not working. They are struggling and are failing to create any plans to increase possible revenue for the future. I am reminded of Malthus' Theory of Population. Malthus is a sociologist that believes that a population increases far more than its food supply. Ignoring the food supply part I feel that the economy is moving too slow for the dramatic population change that occurred. Combining a struggling economy with one that is in a neutral state eventually made it crumble, since the one that was neutral was dealing with only one side of Germany.


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